July 2008
Sometimes I wished I was a butterfly,
To fly high and to see what happens…
All over the world.
I would…
Colour the air sky-blue,
Not to detect any injustice…
But the intensity of peace.
I dream…
About an endless firmament full of stars,
To by the endless shine…
Sadness and grieves to help to support.
I wish…
A world of sincere people, soul mates to together,
Next to each other and for each other to form a better future…
All over the world.
I want..
To keep on believing,
Driven on…
By this newsletter we’re happy to inform you,
by email or regular mail, about the ongoing projects
and we want to use this opportunity to thank
our sponsors who made these projects possible.
You offer so many WINGS!!
Heikenskermis Moerbeke Waas on August 16 2008
Already mark in calendar and even more important …be there!!
We are going to enjoy, literally and figurative!
A whole day party!!
Starting with an aperitif (16u).
The eat fete (18u): nice chicken and ribs with fries.
Who was already present knows it means feasting from the beginning till the end!
After acquiring strengths, we must burn away of course these extra calories and how do you do that?
With the music fete (21u): You follow the rhythm of the group Djem Slam which will bring act to a splattering percussion.
It will be a interactive travel story:
It will be:
- A start in Africa with the Boenka Boenka’s,
- A landing in Australia with the Aboriginals,
- Coming America with the Indians,
- Ending in Europe for “we will rock you”…
But in the end:
RETURNING TO AFRICA, as the profit of the whole fete will go, as every year, to projects in Rwanda - Africa.
Do we end the day with a huge dancing party??
Come and join us for the day?? Subscription clic here!
The profit of this activities will be, as every year, donated to a development project.
We present you the school project Munyinya 2008.
Initiator : KAMUYUMBU Emerita
Teacher at the school of Munyinya - Rwanda
Schoolproject Munyina Captation of rain water
The Ministry of Education of Rwanda encourages parents to actively participate in their children’s education. They want to see this participation translated in terms of material, technical or moral support to the school to which they entrust their children.
Within this context, parents whose children attend the primary school of Munyinya have been asked to find a solution for the captation of rain water. Being poor, they lack the necessary means to respond to the multiple needs of the school. Donations to the school have stopped with the sudden decease of a Swiss benefactor Marguerite Fuchs, who funded the improvement of the school’s infrastructure. Her generosity deserves to be continued. Parents and children, we all believe and hope her example will be followed
Owners of the project
The idea to start a project came to my mind during my visit to Belgium where I was invited by my friends from the Association “Vleugels van Hoop' what means 'Wings of Hope “in September 2007.
They were enthusiastic and confirmed their support during their visit to Rwanda in January 2008.
The Munyinya School is one of the primary schools in the district of Muhanga in the Shyogwe sector, located in Cellule Rule near the Munyinya hill at 300 m from the main road Gitarama - Kigaly.
As explained before, readers from the Swiss newspaper ‘Kanton Argovie’ helped renovate our school. The buildings are built with sustainable material but do not have rain water drainage which is indispensable with a school population of 1058 children
Realization of the project will allow a more efficient housekeeping of the school.
With the recuperation of rain water from the roofs, it is possible to:
- reduce time lost to fetch water from a source
- maintain the class rooms and sanitary facilities of the school
- irrigate the school garden during the dry season
- wash hands and feet after gardening or other housekeeping activities
- protect the environment
Students and teachers will have the immediate benefit. But we also want neighbors of the school, especially those in charge of security during our absence, to also benefit as recognition for their efforts and as a token of good neighborhood.
The installation of a water reservoir will relieve the teachers’ burden considerably as they now anxiously wait every Friday afternoon for the children to return with large quantities of water from the source needed for cleaning. It would be less of a nuisance for the adults who cannot draw water from the source until the school children have finished fetching water. And it would stop the accusations made against imprudent kids who inadvertently destroy crop in the area around the source.
School Munyinya and teacher Emerita, initiator of this project, with the booklets offered by our organization.

Up to all of us to offer water to the 1058 school kids!!!
‘Vleugels van Hoop’ vzw express their gratefulness for your big
Twese Hamwe 2008

Training program
House holding and economics
“Vleugels van Hoop” vzw offered € 2074,00 for tools (preparation/cooking).
The objective of Twese Hamwe, support and “educate” unqualified young people, brings us to offering a professional training. To teach reading and writing and sewing were touched on before.
After 6 years of experience we noticed that offering a 1 year training in reading and writing challenges the youth and make them wish to learn a profession. A young man (26 years old) started himself in 2006.
The socio-cultural centre Twese Hamwe wishes to start an education house holding and economics. Well trained people are needed; hotels, house holds, small restaurants are demanding parties. We also think here about a national program to promote the tourism in the whole country.
Year 1 of the education (12 months) will exist of 2 teams:
- team of 20 youngsters in the morning
- team of 20 youngsters in the afternoon
This allows young people, who survive by executing small daily tasks, to learn a profession.
Part 1 (5 months)
- Improve reading, writing and calculating
- Basic in hygiene (food)
- Laundry/linen
Part 2 (7 months)
- Course restaurant
- Practice : the centre has a small restaurant (20 couverts)
- 1 month trainee
Report 1st Trimester
Start course January 2008
21 young people with different educational levels follow daily class from 8 till 13h30.
Extra lessons (mathematics, English & French) were foreseen.
The package of lessons exists of:
- introduction accountancy 1 hr/week
- restaurant techniques 2 hrs/week
- French 4 hrs/week
- English 4 hrs/week
- Patisserie 2 hrs/week
- Reception 1 hr/week
- Etiquette 2 hrs/week
- Laundry/linen 1 hr/week
- Practicing 12 hrs/week
Spending € 8.294 (6.246.800 RwFr) offered by CSA/Alimentation & Services.
This gift allowed us to start with the program.
In descending order of importance our preference was:
Kitchen with storage 3.250.000 RwFr
Work top/bar 375.000 RwFr
Tools restaurant & kitchen 2.634.000 RwFr
Total = 6.259.000 RwFr
The centre offers free education to the poorest people. The others contribute themselves by a small amount of 15.000 RwFr. This money is used to pay the teacher and to compensate the costs of ingredients used in the practicing lessons.
The centre is doing all to make the donators proud on the achieved results.
We take the opportunity to invite them to Kigali, to come and see how their gifts are used.
We want to sincerely thank all and hope we can continue counting on them. One thing is for sure, thanks to our donators the young people understand now “to believe in their own future”.
The socio-cultural centre Twese Hamwe is searching for finances of € 12.478.000 RwFr (€ 17.827) to fully build out the project.
Training program house hold & hotelerie
Apparatus & equipment
Frigidaire, freezes, cooking equipment ................... € 8.250
Tables, chairs, crockery, storage bins..................... € 5.782
Tools (preparation/cooking)
Cooking pots, pans, knifes, lettuce bowl,.. .......... € 2.074
Tools (serving)
Crockery, plates, glasses, bowls,…......................... € 1.069
Adaptations water & electricity
Working hours, materials,…..................................... € 652
Pastures 2008
'Vleugels van Hoop' vzw offered € 5.809 as partial support to the projects “Pastures 2008”, initiated
by Damas Gisimba of the “Centre Mémorial Gisimba – Kigali”.
The application for this project was send in already 2 years ago and we’re pleased to give part of the needed support, seen the importance of this project.
The project
Objectives of the project
Establishment of pastures to breed feed plants to generate an income for the initiators
Produce & multiply seeds of different feed plants
Establishing of permanent pastures (dry soil)
Improvement of the feed plants quality
Creation of employment for young people
‘Dushigikire Amahoro I Burundi’
During 3 days we were in Mabayi, where the sewing atelier ‘Dushigikire Amahoro I Burundi’
is functioning…and it is functioning very well.
We were their guest during an afternoon to show us their production, which became a real friends gathering, which is very important.
Even more, some sewing work was not sold yet to be shown to us first.
Every employee was present. The governor and his wife, who is supporting ‘Dushigikire Amahoro I Burundi’, came by and stayed over the full afternoon.

The project is fully sponsored for an amount of € 3.522 and is running fully independent now. An evaluation report is send bi-monthly
Cyangugu is a village close to the border with Burundi and Congo in the south-west of Rwanda.
A small care centre is established there and they need a cow and a few small goats.
The milk of the cow will be used to offer a small bowl of milk to the smallest, during consulting hours, who’s mama’s are weak.
The goats will be used for breeding.
But Benedicte, who asked our support, is have big plans on starting a sewing atelier.
We are waiting for her proposal on the project.
Call for our youngest friends
We are searching for cuddles, big or small…
Do you want to share something with a friend in Africa?
Bring one of you cuddles with you on our happening in Moerbeke-Waas on August 16th.
Vleugels van Hoop vzw will make sure that your cuddle-present will reach Africa!!!
Follow all the news on
Mail us your opinion at
Support via bank account number 001-5300142-41
You receive this news letter by mail, but if you have a e-mail address please send it over to us at with the message : JA Nieuwsbrief ‘Vleugels van Hoop’
In case you don’t want to receive these news letters anymore, nor by e-mail, nor by mail, just inform us, we would understand.
All you mail to:
Vleugels van Hoop vzw
p/a Ninoofsesteenweg 200
9600 Ronse
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